My Story

The Wound is the Gift

Growing up as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) in a home with abuse and neglect, I suffered chronic depression, anxiety, and debilitating self-loathing for most of my life.

In my quest for relief, I first turned to Eastern mystical traditions in my late teens and 20’s. I still practice meditation and yoga, which helped me immensely. I also open new doors of perception with entheogens a few times a year, on average.

While these practices made huge impacts on me, I still struggled with poverty, crappy relationships, and poor mental health through my 20’s and early 30’s. I felt chronically disempowered and frustrated. Even though I conceptually understood that we create our reality through thoughts and intentions, I couldn’t seem to change mine consistently enough.

My desire for better relationships, specifically, next lead me to learn and facilitate both Nonviolent Communication and Authentic Relating. Teaching conscious relationship skills became a passion of mine, and I’ve held events in these modalities since 2017.

In 2019, I also began teaching and facilitating with SeekHealing — a non-profit that provides a trauma-informed approach to teaching better relationship skills.

Healing On All the Levels

Sadly, though, despite attracting better friendships and community connections, my depression and anxiety was still debilitating.

It wasn’t until NIASZIIH Healing & Bodywork came into my life that I found the answers I was looking for. In 2019, I enrolled in wildernessFusion, a mystery school based in Lipan Apache spirituality.

Through wildernessFusion, I’ve learned how to become the “Vessel of Healing” to effectively transform from the inside-out, and help others do the same.

Spreading these teachings (as they want to come through my unique perspective) has become my life’s purpose and passion. It’s what I aim to provide through my courses, my blog, and the future books I hope to publish.

I’m most excited to provide this kind of support to other empathic, energetically sensitive healers because I believe we’re the folks who should rule the world, since we’re the ones who want to heal it.

That’s why my apprenticeship program is focused on teaching transformational skills for life-long empowerment.

If you have any questions, please reach out via the form below.

I’d love to hear from you!