My Story

From Pain, to Healing

Coming from a broken home of mental and emotional abuse, I suffered chronic depression, anxiety, and debilitating self-loathing most of my life.

In my quest for relief, I turned to Eastern mystical traditions in my 20’s with meditation and yoga, as well as expanding my mind through entheogens.

While these were helpful, I still struggled HARD in my romantic relationships. That lead me to learn, and then teach both Nonviolent Communication and Authentic Relating starting in my early 30’s. I’ve held events and trainings in those modalities since 2017.

In 2019, I also used these skills when I began teaching courses and facilitating groups with SeekHealing — a Social Health non-profit that provides a trauma-informed approach to teaching better relationship skills.

But it wasn’t until I was exposed to NIASZIIH shamanic healing that things significantly changed …

How I Finally Created Healthy Love

In 2019, I enrolled in wildernessFusion School of NIASZIIH Healing.

It’s a mystery school based in Lipan Apache philosophy and spirituality.

Through wildernessFusion, I learned how to deeply and effectively transform my life from the inside-out, and help others do the same.

That’s why I’m passionate about supporting women who are on a similar journey of breaking negative cycles in love and relationships.

I remember vividly the debilitating pain and despair of repeated heartbreak — dating one emotionally avoidant or abusive guy after another — how much the ripples negatively impacted every area of my life — from parenting to finances.

I don’t want to see one more loving, open-hearted, well-intentioned woman be mistreated like that.

If you’re ready to change your relationship patterns, let’s connect!

The shit in your love life CAN change, believe me. But only if you do the work.

So, want to get started? Reach out through the form below and let’s talk.