The Love You Seek is Seeking You

When it comes to attracting your Soulmate, maybe you’ve already tried…?

  • making a list of all the attributes you envision in them

  • prayer

  • visualization

  • repeating positive affirmations

  • making a vision board

  • tarot spreads / oracle card readings

  • consulting psychics and astrologers

  • performing manifestation rituals

  • and letting it all go without attachment to outcomes

… and yet you STILL haven’t found your person?

It’s Not Your Fault

All those strategies — meaning though they are — only work for people who’s childhood conditioning around love and relationships was already relatively healthy.

For those of us who were challenged with LESS than ideal relationships in our families of origin (raising my hand here), much deeper work is needed.

If you experienced (or witnessed) any flavors of abuse, neglect, or trauma in your closest childhood relationships, it set you up to attract more of the same in adulthood.

The Secret Key

Dysfunctional expectations cause us to unconsciously attract — and be attracted to — people that recreate our childhood attachment wounds.

That’s why, in order to have a relationship like you’ve never had before, you MUST reprogram your subconscious expectations.

The best way to do that is by addressing all levels of mind, body, and spirit.

Inner Shifts

Dr. Candace Pert said that, “The body is the subconscious.” Maybe you’ve heard, “Your issues are in your tissues.” Or, “The Body Keeps the Score”…?

Transforming subconscious conditioning CANNOT be done from purely the mental level. It has to involve the body — and our felt sense.

There’s a reason traditional talk therapy doesn’t have a high success rate....

We need to involve the body in our process of change. We need to build awareness and capacity with movement, touch, breath, and reclaiming sensitivity.

We must bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious minds by connecting to our physicality and having a dialogue that goes both ways.

This means loving and trusting our bodies like we’ve never done before.

Outer Shifts

Very few of us were fortunate enough to have healthy communication modeled for us in childhood.

Things like:

How to set boundaries in ways that create connection, rather than drive division…

How to make effective repair after conflict…

And how to give and receive honest feedback with loving compassion…

Are skills few of us were nurtured into.

So as adults, we need to learn those skills from scratch.

Nervous system regulation, Nonviolent Communication, and Authentic Relating are some modalities I use to train people in how to have healthy, sustainable, and deeply satisfying relationships from the inside out.

Your Mentorship Includes

  • Personalized shamanic healing sessions over Zoom

  • Personalized Supplementary Resources… like exercises, worksheets, somatic practices, book recommendations, and links to videos and articles

  • Accountability and motivation

  • Uniquely designed manifestation practices

  • Unlimited text and email with 24 hour response window

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